I still like Mario Gomez and t...
I still like Mario Gomez and think, he’s a terrific striker. #soccer #germany
Fuck Elon! I'm now on Mastodon.
I still like Mario Gomez and think, he’s a terrific striker. #soccer #germany
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Twitpic fails.
Testing twitpic: [?]
Fringe, potato chips and Grimbergen #weekend
Test: Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari tr.im/hVI4
watched the match Liechtenstein vs. Germany for about 5 minutes. Totally boring. Back to Earl. Totally entertaining!
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about to go to the gym
it’s 12:30 AM and some idiots above us are drilling #halle11
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let’s take a look at »Pencil«, a prototyping plugin for Firefox 3 tr.im/hT2G
Save early, save often!
rebuilding interfaces in Axure in Parallels, hoping the data will not get lost again. Taken some extra measures.
Adium’s search function inside the history window SUCKS BIG TIME. Searchg for »ich« brings 0 results. Am I missing something here?
Just realized, that clickToFlash can be configured to show sIFR text even when flash blocking is activated. That’s really a great option!
Is today a holiday?
tried to open Apple’s movie trailer page: h4xr.org/839d
testing the new Chromium build
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Motivation gone. Windows or Parallels stole it. Maybe they teamed up to do so. #hate
pretty frustrated, because Windows (Parallels) lost my Axure files. Bummer.
finally downloading all that MacHeist Software I bought earlier today.
Seems, that the last link didn’t work. Next try: h4xr.org/jmg6 (yep, I didn’t enter my code for Picturesque yet)
New load of soft drinks arrived, thanks to @daputz (delivery boy) h4xr.org/rzwj