- Back from @kalbosn's party. Tired. But had a funny evening. Thanks to all involved. #
- Pwnage Tool 2.0 is out! Good night! #
- building an .ipsw file ... #
- @dirk_olbertz that's why my dad has an iMac *duckandrun* #
- Seems, that I finally managed to pwn my iPhone with ... still not sure ... baseband is being flashed #
- Hello, iPhone! #woot #
- So long, K610i! #
- @octavian Hope, you had a good way home and it didn't take too long. #
- »repwn« your previously hacked and then mistakenly upgraded too early iPhone with these steps: [xrl.us/mu6bk](http://xrl.us/mu6bk) #
- Nice: iTunes automatically installs all the apps I already downloaded while my iPhone was semi-bricked #
- Helpful alternative: [xrl.us/m7n2k](http://xrl.us/m7n2k) #
- Twitterrific in the iPhone works #
- I want »Vicinity« for the german app store! #
- Toffifee is the best candy in the world. #
Geschehen am 2008-07-20
