- Today's free crestock image is ... ME! o_O #sceptical_eye #
- Crestock's free image for today: [xrl.us/okuvc](http://xrl.us/okuvc) #
- income tax return #grmpf #
- paper works, would prefer to help @dominik moving, but read too late about it. I like moving. Really. This is not a joke. #
- I don't like this paper stuff: http://twitpic.com/5ggo #
- http://twitpic.com/5ghc - OMG #
- @dirk_olbertz »Awesome!« #
- Steak: http://twitpic.com/5h1f #
- Steak 2: http://twitpic.com/5h7v #
- Addendum: The steaks sucked. Bought the wrong (cheap) ones. You shouldn't do that. #
- Influential: [xrl.us/okvx8](http://xrl.us/okvx8) #
Geschehen am 2008-07-26
