- these newly manga style avatar icons look pretty much all the same - totally lame. #
- these new manga style avatar icons look pretty much all the same - totally lame. #
- now I'm followed by @stopthemanga - of course. [stopthemanga.com](http://stopthemanga.com) #
- Tartort: http://twitpic.com/8cs6 #
- is now a secret agent. #
- Dark Knight preview ticket FAIL. #wtf #azubi #
- @Dreamseer Some kind of misunderstanding. Or amnesia. #
- Uploading files to my iDisk takes like forever. About one hour remaining for 80 MB. #
- Fuck the dark knight, watch Ninjas on Rollerskates! [xrl.us/omdgd](http://xrl.us/omdgd) #
Geschehen am 2008-08-20
