- Great idea by @sxtxixtxcxh : Let's all drop IE 6 support by March 2009! http://iedeathmarch.org/ #
- My Mom sent four cans of Jelly Beans - how great is that?! #
- @kniebes Happy Birthday … you … old …avoid-the-company-at-your-birthday-guy! #
- just fixed an annoying Photoshop-Illustrator-pdf-export problem, yay! #
- ARGH! Jelly Beans! Totally. Addicted. #
- colleagues are zoidberging around #
- fighting MS Word #
- Just realized, that a book vanished from my amazon wishlist. Bug or buyer? We'll see ... #
- I agree: E-Plus sucks! [xrl.us/ooojv](http://xrl.us/ooojv) #
Geschehen am 2008-08-27
