- Sunday http://twitpic.com/bj8a #
- Just spotted a neu.de-Smart at Rudolfplatz, Cologne #
- scanning all my cds with Delicious Library 2 #
- [xrl.us/oq4kf](http://xrl.us/oq4kf) #
- external iSight just stopped working - WTF??? #
- PwnageTool 2.1 or QuickPwn 1.1? Does QuickPwn also do the baseband stuff? #
- Unlocking I mean #
- Okay, giving QuickPwn a try. #
- Okaaaay, I could update to 2.1 without pwning again at all. Weird. And NICE! #
- @jimeh Thanks, but as you probably already read, I just let iTunes upgrade to 2.1 and … no need to pwn. But I'm still sceptical. #
Geschehen am 2008-09-14
