- Multi-Updating Adobe CS4 stuff #
- I still can't get used to the new tabs in Safari 4beta. Maybe I'll switch back to old style here, too. #
- I disabled tabs in Adobe CS4. I need switching docs via keys. Impossible with tabs. #
- Found out about AlertThingy. Seems nice. Then I realized, it needs Adobe Air to breathe. Bye. #
- OmniDownloading … #
- Laughing [tr.im/gKmf](http://tr.im/gKmf) #
- btw: I didn't restart after installing Safari 4beta and it works. Will do later. #
- This is a reminder to play Sliema more often #
- I give up; have NO IDEA, why Tweets don't show up as articles in blog. Need to shoot some virtual people now. #
- Can't get my tweet to show up in my blog and have no clue. #wordpress #twitter #
- updating MarsEdit #
- PathFinder not working with Servers connected via ExpanDrive is a real pain in the ass. #
- fail is everywhere #
- realizes, how great the current Wordpress backend is made. #
- FYI: New maps on the Battleground: tactics2 (= tactics on speed), Terrorism 3, Fort Dicks, Desertville, Wildwest and Nuclear Plant. Testing #
- Changing settings on MV Battleground for more fun ... maybe :D #
- Inspecting little sister's new flat. Cozy. #
- So glad that I don't have anything to do with carnival. #
- So Hiphop has it's own category, but Rock has not. That is bullshit. #echo2009 #
- I'm walking. #
- Pretty annoyed #carnival #werder #
- ML ran out of Beck's #carneval #svw #
- Über außen. #Itoldyousodance #
- Der Ball läuft. #werder #svw #
- is SO reading am book! #tension #
- Just drag the duck! I like. http://twitpic.com/1l0o5 #
- http://twitpic.com/1l0o5 - The best way to install software on Mac OS X: Drag the duck. #
- Upgrading to Adium 1.3.3 #
- Better lock the doors http://twitpic.com/1koz8 #
- I miss Illustrator's keyboard shortcuts for tools in VectorDesigner :/ Remapping via system settings only works with additional command key. #
- Ok, after installing the update Pixelmator identifies itself as 1.4 #minor_issue #
- Pixelmator 1.3.3 finds a new version 1.3.3 with features from 1.4 Someone didn't change all numbers, I guess. #
- Pixelmator 1.4 is out #
- you don't realize the bullshit of glossy screens until you're at home at daylight. This sucks. #
- This one very big disadvantage of living in Cologne. #
- is forced to listen to savage music #karneval #
- Where is Milan? #
- Not sure what to think of this match. #
- Müller-Lüdenscheid. Ready. #werder #
- Photoshop CS4 isn't able to *replace* a file when using the 'Save as…' dialogue. At least not here. #bullshit #
- »Vielen Dank für Ihren Absturzbericht.« #photoshop #cs4 #
- Just talked to @Dreamseer who's not at the office today. #mental #
- Loadzone #
- WHY FOR FUCKING'S SAKE does Photoshop CS 4 the guides 2 px thick??!?!?!! #
- After sucking big time at MGS4 some action in UrT now. #
- Watching @curlity and @ethem tweeting #
- catching up with last night's tweets and feed entries having a cappuccino #
- Just realized, that I have a curlfriend. #pun #
- Bailly win, Werder fail. #
- Incredible! Defense fails BIG TIME! 1:1 #werder #
- Finally! 1:0 Pizarro #werder #
- The Müller-Lüdenscheid has been repainted in green and orange. Also one of the beamers is missing. #
- I wanna see colts despairing today! Please, please, pleasewithcandyontop! #werder #
- epoch fail screenshot by … me :/ http://twitpic.com/1h2y8 #
- 1234567890 - NOW! #
- Photoshop seems not to be accurate when showing a rectangular marquee box. There ARE tiny gaps which look like pixel were left out! ARGH! #
- McFail #
- enabled regex filtering for Twitterrific. Secret settings to the rescue! #
- First song in iTunes, when sorted by rating? Sigh. Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. Next: @jimeh and @mrc #
- »Double time, let's move!« #senseo #
- tinkering with the stars #
- »INCOMING!!!« [tr.im/ftyf](http://tr.im/ftyf) #
- WhatTheFont for iPhone could be a really cool tool, if only the iPhone camera had a macro mode. #
- Snow Leopard with Quicktime Pro included? I would appreciate that. [tr.im/ftsu](http://tr.im/ftsu) #
- Activated getting all @-replys again. Wondering when I'm annoyed enough to turn it off again. #
- 4 a.m. has just become a whole lot creepier (and funnier) thanks to @jimeh [tr.im/fod3](http://tr.im/fod3) #
- »The following takes place between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.« #
- »The following takes place between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.« #
- Well, iPhoto's new flickr-export is indeed far from Fraser Speirs' FlickrExport #
- Again, no Chorizo at Culux Cologne. No peanut curry sauce either. Once more fries only. Very disappointing. #food #
- Fibonachos! [tr.im/f9tu](http://tr.im/f9tu) #
- I bet 100 € that Daniel will become what's commonly known as a »geek«. #
- Daniel (7) is using my Canon Digital Rebel and my iPhone for hours. He's amazing! #
- At the hotel, WLAN and Simpsons inclusive. http://twitpic.com/1dhg5 #
- Hello Frankfurt, your weather sucks! 15 minutes to switch trains, get the first coffee of the day and try the »easy login« for HotSpots. #
- Just found my iPhone headphones--in the pocket of a freshly washed hoodie. They still work as intended, including the remote. #
- MacHeist 3 offers ShoveBox for free. [tr.im/f4l7](http://tr.im/f4l7) #
- Ok, there's iTunes again. It takes a few minutes to launch, but then … #wtf #
- Okay, iTunes Beachball is back. I'm tired of this. GNARF #
- Also: Coffee ♨ #
- Think I need a short UrT incident to get back on track, too. #
- Deleted iTunes prefs. Fell asleep while iTunes played with the beachball. Woke up, iTunes is back on track. Hooray! Also drooled on my hand. #
- iTunes hangs every time I start it. Argh! Blaming aborted sync. #iphone #itunes #
- syncing mail accounts (why at all?) takes forever. Hangtime!? #
- quarreling #
- Many thanks to other people who seem to be incredible hungry today. #
- HAH! http://twitpic.com/1chss #scrubs #
- okay, Illustrator CS 4 starts up WAY faster than CS 2. Goodbye Rosetta! #
- is wondering if he will still work with Illustrator … let's say v31.0.0 #
- Hagen Rether about teachers' in Germany. [tr.im/epjf](http://tr.im/epjf) #
- ♨ morning coffee #
- Man, I LOVE this show! #scrubs #
- MONICA!!! #
- Bearded J.D.! #
- installing Adobe CS4, just to have the same InDesign incompatibilities with InDesign again #adobe #fail #
- If only Yojimbo would sync to the iPhone. Pondering my Evernote options. #
- »Hello Cleveland!« #
- Elements of NY - in Lego™. Great! (via Daring Fireball) [tr.im/efdb](http://tr.im/efdb) #
- Upgrading @curlity's brandnew iPhone to v2.2.1 #
- Okay, confirmed. Three of the Stromberg cast having sushi at Sumo. Please do not disturb! #
- Seatz, they haz dem too, now. Maybe that gal is »Tanja«. Not sure. #
- »Ulf« and »Ernie« waiting outside the Sumo. Not enough seats inside. Seatz, we haz dem. #stromberg #sushi #cologne #
- consulting a doctor #drpepper #
- annoyed by printing #
- Seems cookiemonster found my Safari. Many login cookies vanished or expired all at the same time #weird #
- praising PixelStick (again?) #software #osx #
- Realsatire deluxe: https://twitter.com/auenfreunde #
- freed the whiteboard from @rockyour's and @mrc's colorful and confused notes. Took about 15 minutes. My arm hurts and it's not clean at all. #
- A minute ago, @poolie nearly drowned. At his desk. #vittel #
- Testing aother iPhone mode. Apparently I did it wrong before. iPhoto identifies my face better than I thought. Thx to @poolie for the hint. #
- Updating BBEdit #
- I should have got me a coffee and stayed awake for the second half. DAMN ME! #superbowl #
- Hope, the Cardinals turn it ... while I finally go to sleep #
- Great catch! #
- Latenight: Peanuts, beer and Superbowl http://twitpic.com/1ag90 #
- It was not a touchdown. I repeat: It was not a touchdown! #
- Teriyaki peanuts: Check Onion-Garlic peanuts: Check Coated Bacon-Cheese peanuts: Check Unsalted plain peanuts: Check #
- I think, the face recognition has problems with laughing people, tilted faces and—of course—sunglasses. #
- WOW! First time, iPhoto recognizes Julia. Hooray! #
- is wondering if he misses something or is doing it wrong #iphoto09 #
- getting tired of typing the same names, or at least the first characters, over and over and over again. #iphoto09 #
- I think face recognition in iPhoto '09 is made for posing smile photos, not for my capture the moment photography. Need to type every name. #
- ROFLCAKE [is.gd/i1aZ](http://is.gd/i1aZ) #
- watching old Montana-to-Rice clips #
- Bearded Thomas Schaaf looks OLD #
- FRAIL! #
- Jensen will do IT. I know. #werder #
- Go Werder! #
- Small Ka, I drive it.#autobahn #
- Pondering my Superbowl options #
- was in the fail team with @poolie and @poolbabe #
- Forget that. I was wrong. #
- So in »Inferno«-Mode, there are no new (more difficult) levels. Just the same ones with a rusty old look. WTF?! #perfect_balance #
- is taking a deep breath #perfect_balance #
- is playing Level 21 [tr.im/dq8u](http://tr.im/dq8u) #
- totally addicted to this game right now: [tr.im/dpkr](http://tr.im/dpkr) #
- No need for a FAT32 device anyway as I try to avoid Windows #
- unable to save a large file to my USB stick. Cursing FAT32. Reformatting HFS+ now. #
- Goodbye MS mouse. Goodbye mouse driver. #
- Abortet the installation. Restart inacceptable. #
- OMG! Need to restart after installing the Logitech Control Center. Is this 1990 (and Windows)? #
- My new mouse arrived. Back to Logitech. Screw you Microsoft! #
- just installed ClickToFlash #happy #
- fiddling with layers and page tiles in Illustrator #
- Greatest conversation ever: [tr.im/dh16](http://tr.im/dh16) #
- unlocked endless mode #fieldrunners #
- Fieldrunners Round 78, still got 12♥ #
- So the Drobo might be a very clever device, but customer service and help documents seem to fail BIG TIME. [tr.im/ddne](http://tr.im/ddne) #drobo #fail #
- NICE! #werder #
- Moving checkboxes, always a great idea. #fail [tr.im/dcfv](http://tr.im/dcfv) #
- Getting a »Hausmarke« #
- »The following takes place between 1 p.m and 2 p.m.« #
- RTL sucks big time in every relevant aspect #
- restarting Illustrator, hoping it helps #
- Great poster remakes: [tr.im/d0w4](http://tr.im/d0w4) (via veer) #
- is wearing headphones. #
- Thinking about orange. #
- Trying Rösti http://twitpic.com/174vy in reply to poolie #
- Having a nice time at the limani with @curlity and @ethem #
- Arizona Icetea http://twitpic.com/1720s Tasty. #
- deleted Inquisitor (Safari plugin). No value to me and it prevents using ↑ and ↓ for navigating to first or last position in search field #
- Insanely great, crowd goes insanely wild :[tr.im/cc15](http://tr.im/cc15) #
- Small sculpture, he haz it: [tr.im/c28k](http://tr.im/c28k) #
- the wind makes some spooky noises here #
- WATZE?! #
- Checking out The Hit List. First impression: Nice and clear. Like the keyboard centered interface and the timer. Will test it at work. #
- Rooms are good. #
- They too are complaining about the people who planned these shower doors. #
- 30 minutes over. No sign of the guys who wanna fix our shower. #damn #zechbau #
- Thinking if and how my old iBook G3/500 could be of use. It only has 10 GB and would need an external screen. Any suggestions? #firstmac #
- Loading new maps in UrT takes forever with 6MBit. #
- »The following takes place between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.« #
- Where's Waldo? [tr.im/bg9c](http://tr.im/bg9c) #inaug09 #TheBigPicture #
- I want an iPhone app, that's able to run in background and just tell every full hour: »The following takes place between X y.m. and Z y.m.« #
- This is some tasty quiche! #
- »The following takes place between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.« #
- »The following takes place between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.« #
- Next name for fake vcards: Karl Aua. #
- feeling a bit guilty because I bought breakfast from »Ranz & Rumpel«. Sorry Brötchenfrau. #
- »The following takes place between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.« #
- 24 meets Die Harder #
- retweeting from @fraserspeirs: [xrl.us/bec3ha](http://xrl.us/bec3ha) WTF?! #
- »The following takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.« #
- Remember: Always check, if the screensaver really started. #
- small penis, i haz it! thanks, and good bai! #
- heading to the office #sigh #
- When Parallels crashes (as always), the Icon stays in the Dock. I start to hate Parallels. #
- After first reboot language is German, but Music and Videos and Photos are missing. I guess it's because I chose to manage them manually. #
- Wondering if restoring yesterday's backup will a) bring back German to my iPhone and/or b) delete Cydia c) miss anything I changed #
- Can't wait to reboot in OS X. Ugly Vista is driving me crazy. #
- 'looks' means 'works' #
- Well the unlock/jailbreak progress in Vista looks way better than in OS X; many moving bars in QuickPwn and colorful images on the iphone #
- downloading iPhone firmware and bootloaders again, this time in 'beautiful Vista' #
- iTunes on Vista is kinda ugly #
- So I have an activated (OEM-)Verision of 'The Great Vista'. Let's see if it's at least able to pwn my iPhone. #
- you have to type a code of 54 digits into the phone to get a 48 digit confirmation code to type into an activation box in Vista. #
- trying to activate my 'beloved' Vista via phone #
- »Never change a running system« comes to mind. #
- iPhone upgrade via iTunes: • error 21 when trying to use custom .IPSW via restore mode, • error 2001 when entering DFU mode • tried 2 Macs #
- iTunes does not recognize my iPhone in DFU mode at all; thinks it's an iPod and throws unknown error 2001. Fucked up. #
- Trying to reset to 2.1 now. #
- So after entering DFU mode, iTunes (8.0.2) doesn't recognize my iPhone, telling me it tried to connect to my iPod (!). Getting tired of this #
- Building another .IPSW with PwnageTool #
- Pondering my pwnage options … #
- iPhone restored once more. Don't know what to do next. Annoyed by this jailbreak shizzle. #
- Trying another restore … #
- Error 21 … #
- iTunes thinks my iPhone is an iPod and is unable to connect (error 2001). Annoying. #
- So QuickPwn 2.2 is unable to rejailbreak my iPhone. Trying PwnageTool 2.2.1 now. #
- »QuickPwn is about to run on your iPhone.« No progress visible. #fail? #
- restoring my iPhone … #
- Ugly but VERY tasty bagel at Woyton: http://twitpic.com/149e3 #
- Pondering the breakfast options #
- iPhone seems to run on fw v2.2 now, but Cydia's gone and QuickPWN only shows an empty progress bar forever. Disappointed. #
- pondering my iPhone firmware options #
- filling my iPhone #
- Unleash the Casey! #
- [vimeo.com/2748889](http://vimeo.com/2748889) #
- having tea and zwieback #
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